Saturday, April 18, 2009


From Date:

The Central Public Information Officer,
(Right to Information Act.-2005 )

Sub: Right To Information Act 2005- Certain information about supply of
cooking gas refill cylinder.

Ref: Our domestic cooking gas connection (consumer ) Number is ………………
The Agency to which this gas connection attached is ……………………
Under the Right To Information Act 2005, I may kindly be furnished the following informations.

1. The number of days with which or after which from the date of the existing cylinder becomes empty, booking for fresh cylinder should be made.

2. kindly furnish me a copy of the circular/letter/orders/ etc or copy of the relevant portion of the manual or any other document, which speaks about the number of days which should be there in between the two consecutive supplies., and the days which should be there in between the two consecutive booking.

3. I may kindly be furnished a copy of the invoice or voucher or receipt in which supplies were made to the above gas connection number, AS ENTERED IN THE GODOWN RECORDS and as per office entries, during the period from ………………….. to …………………..

4. The designation and the office addresses of the officers who are competent to inspect the premises where cylinders are deposited and also the premises where cooking gass cylinder are mis-used, to prevent or deduct the mis-use of domestic cooking cylinder for commercial purposes, in the Revenue Dist. of ………

5. A may kindly be supplied a copy of the notes of inspection or diary or any other document, which show that the inspections done by the competent officers of your company, during period from ………………. to ……………….. either to prevent or deduct the mis-use of domestic cooking cylinder for commercial purposes , in the Revenue Dist. of ………………………. .

6. The number of cases brought to book in which mis-use of domestic cooking gas cylinders for commercial purpose were found, during the period from ……………… to …………… may be furnished with the quantum of cylinders deducted and recovered, in the Revenue Dist. of.............................

7. Kindly furnish me the file number assigned to the complaints about mis-use of cooking gas cylinders by the Hotels and industries etc., from the public of ……………….Revenue Dist., and the result of each of such complaint file. This information may be furnished inrespect of the period from 1.1.2007 to 31.-03-2009

8. The other modes through which booking for refilling cylinder shall be made, when the agent office, did not respond our booking over phone, may be informed to me.

9. Kindly furnish me a copy of the circular or copy of the relevant portion of the manual or any other document, which speaks about, the purpose of fixing the maximum limit for attaching gass connections to each of the agents.

10. Kindly inform me the maximum number of gas connections to be attached to an agent and the actual number of connections now available with the each of the agents. This information may be furnished inrepect of the agents in Reve. Dist. of ……………………….

11. Kindly furnish me a copy of the file in which the remarks or special reasons recorded by your company to-gether with a copy of the order of exemption for allowing gas connections over and above the norms fixed, inrespect of the agents with whom such more number of gas connections over above the norms are available. This information may be furnished inrepect of the agents in Reve.Dist.of……………………,

12. A copy of the portions of the Acts or rules of Govt. of India in which such maximum number to each agent fixed , which empowers your company to allow or entrust connections over and above the maximum limit and the additional facilities to be provided in such cases, by the agent concerned, may be furnished to me..

13. Kindly furnish me a copy of invoice or bill or any other document which show the number of gas cylinders supplied by your company to the above mentioned agent in between …………… and ……………………

14. Kindly furnish me a copy of date wise invoice or list or any other document which show the daily supply of cylinders to the consumers with the date of booking for such cylinders by the consumers. This information may kindly be furnished inrespect the period from …………… to…………………… , inrespect of the above agent.

15. Kindly furnish me the list of gas agents on whom your company has taken action against the above agent for his erroneous activities or violation or erratic distribution of gas cylinders or on the complaint of the public or consumers or any enquiry conducted .. This informations may be furnished case wise, inrespect of the period from …………… to …………………… , inrespect of the agents in the Revenue Dist., of........................

I am herewith attaching a postal order for Rs.10/- bearing number ............................. Date.................. being the fee for the RTI application.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

RTI application for sub division of pata

RTI application for sub division of pata
From Date:

The Public Information Officer,
(under the right to information Act -2005),
Mabalam-Guindy Taluk office,
K.K.Nagar, Chennai-78

SUB - Under the right to information act 2005 sec 6 (1).

REF- 1.DEED DOCUMENT ON …………………….. OF …………… (enclosed).

I am here with enclosing a copy of registered deed; bearing no ………… of 200_ dated ………… in favour of my ……………..(father/ mother/self), the deed contain …………… pages. I may be informed under the right to information act 2005 the following.

1. I may be informed the total amount of sub division fees to be remitted by me with the information such as head of account; under which the remittance to be made.

2. a).I may be informed the total amount of stone value to be remitted by me with the information such as head of account; under which the remittance to be made.
b). Please inform me whether Stone value to be remitted for this deed.

3. The office or the bank at which the sub division fee to be remitted by me be informed.

4. I may be clarified weather the sub-division fees may be remitted through demand draft. If so please inform me the authority on whose name the DD has to be drawn.

5. I may be informed the time limit with in which, the order on the sub-division application has to be made by the respective Taluka office.

6. Kindly supply me a copy of The Application form for patta sub division.

7. Kindly inform me the documents to be submitted along the Application form of Patta sub division.

I am here with affixing the court fee stamp of Rs 10/-(rupees ten only), as the fees for RTI.


( )

Saturday, April 4, 2009

institution transfer application form”, s


NO.12-A, Thiru.Vi. Ka. Street,


The Public information officer,
Right to Information act 2005,
Directorate of Technical Education,

Respected sir/ madam,

I am enclosing with the copy of your Lr.No. 37864/TAC/08 dt 30/9/08 for kind reference I am still compelled by the principal, Aringar Anna Institute of Science and Technology, Pennalur, SriPerumadur Tk for payment of term fee, annual fee, semester fee etc inspite of your specific direction in the reference enclosed. Therefore I have without no other go applied for in the form prescribed, for counter signing my institution transfer application form which was duly acknowledged by the office of prinicipal, Aringar Anna Institute of Science and Technology, Pennalur, SriPerumadur Tk. For this counter signature also they orally insist me to the effect that I should table down the fee for all the three years and then only get the counter signature in the institution transfer application form.

In this Connection, I without no others Option, submit to invite your kind reference to the following wording in sec 2F of RTI Act 2005.

“Information “ means any material in any form, including records, documents memos, e-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, logbooks, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data, material held in any electronic form and information relating to any private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force:

I believe that your office is having such access over the Aringar Anna Institute of Science and Technology, Pennalur, Sri Permandur Tk and request the following Information under RTI Act 2005 about my” institution transfer application form”, submitted to said institution which was received by it on 16/2/2009.

Under the Right To Information Act 2005, sec 6(1) I request you to furnish the following information about My Transfer Application form.

1. The reason or rules or any other aspect which prevent the said Aringar Anna Institute of Science and Technology, Pennalur, SriPermandur Tk Institution, in counter signing my transfer application form may be furnished.

2. I may be informed the number of days fixed or allowed to be taken to counter sign such my transfer application form by respective institution.

3. I may be kindly informed about the person/institution/authority to take suitable penal against such denial/delay in counter signing and send to back the transfer application to the student concerned.

4. In my case I am put to in irresponsible losses for intention delay, made by the principal, Aringar Anna Institute of Science and Technology, Pennalur, SriPerumadur Tk institution, Kindly inform me the time/days within which such punitive action would be initiatve against the person for the institution, for their such delays/denial in counter signing my transfer application form.
5. I may be kindly furnished a copy of the circular/GO/letter/notification etc.,. which Speaks about the compensation, remedial measure for the victims like me..

6. I may be kindly furnished a copy of the circular/orders/ G.O./ notification/ letter/ etc., which compels me a merit student like me to Remit the term fee/ annual fee/ semester fee, etc., for rest of years also to get counter signature for transfer of institution.

A court fee stamp for Rs. 10/- being the fees for this RTI application is affixed.

Yours faithfully ,
Place: Chennai-78

Date: 04/04/09 (E.SHANMUGAM).

Copy To,
The Registar, Anna University,
Guindy, Chennai-25